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1. ボーディングスクールの知名度を日本で上げること。
2. 日本の学生にボーディングスクールという新たな高校生活(長期・短期留学)のオプションを提案すること。
3. 日本からの出願をもっとわかりやすくすること。
4. ボーディングスクールの在校生及び卒業生コミュニティーを広げること。
JABSA is a community of Japanese students and alumni of boarding schools in the US.
Our missions are:
1. To disseminate information about US boarding schools in Japan;
2. To present to Japanese students the option of attending a boarding school in the US;
3. To make applications to US boarding schools easier to understand for Japanese students;
4. To expand a community of Japanese students in US boarding schools.
We will share information on events and blogs on our website.
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